Note: The art of photography has the ability to expose brutality and
provide evidence of the utter failure of humanity. Some Images may be
March 17, 1973: The Pulitzer Prize winning photo “Burst of Joy” by Slava Veder, is taken at Travis Air Force Base in California. The photograph came to symbolize the end of the US involvement in the Vietnam War.
Civil Rights March on Washington, August 28, 1963.
Former President Lyndon B. Johnson with long hair during an interview, Aug 1972.
The Rays Hill Tunnel on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, 1942 – Library of Congress.
August 14/15, 1945: Japan surrenders, effectively ending World War II. On September 2, 1945. Photo: V-J Day on State Street, Chicago, August 14, 1945. (Gordon Coster/Time Life Pictures)
The End of an Era – The Chester-Bridgeport Ferry carries a load of cars as the bridge scheduled to replace it nears completion in the background. Photo by Tom Loftus, May of 1973.
World Trade Center Under Construction - New York City. Photo by Arthur Swoger, 1970.
January 23, 1977: Roots, the television mini-series based on Alex Haley’s novel premieres on ABC / Promotional Photo - Edward Asner as Capt. Thomas Davies and LeVar Burton as Kunta Kinte (ABC Archives)
Captured Allied soldiers from 8 different nations during WWI - Circa, 1917.
September 8, 1966: “That Girl” starring Marlo Thomas premieres on ABC-TV.
Paperboy - Syracuse, New York, February 1910 / Photo: Lewis Wickes Hines.
January 30, 1969: The Beatles give their last public performance on the roof of Apple Records building at 3 Savile Row in London.
A man begging for his wife’s forgiveness inside Divorce Court. Chicago, 1948.
November 22, 1963: 11:40 am CST, President John F. Kennedy and the First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy arrive at Love Field in Dallas, Texas. The President will be killed 50 minutes later.
January 3 1924: King Tut’s Sarcophagus is uncovered, containing a solid gold coffin that holds the mummy of Tutankhamen. (Photo: British archaeologist Howard Carter)
May 20, 1927: At 7:52 a.m., American aviator Charles A. Lindbergh takes off from Roosevelt Field on Long Island, New York, on the world’s first solo, nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean and the first ever nonstop flight between New York to Paris.
December 21, 1969: Diana Ross & The Supremes perform “Someday We’ll Be Together” on The Ed Sullivan Show.
December 1963: Residents of West Berlin queueing and waiting to receive their pass in order to spend Christmas with their relatives living in East Berlin. Photo: Angelo Cozzi.
Steve Cauthen aboard Affirmed during the Preakness Stakes at Pimlico Race Course. Last horse to win the Triple Crown - Baltimore, Maryland May 20, 1978. Photo: Neil Leifer/Sports Illustrated.
December 13, 1972: Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt begin the third and final Extra-vehicular activity (EVA) or “moonwalk” of the Apollo 17 mission. To date they are the last humans to set foot on the moon.
A British soldier stands besides the grave of a comrade near Pilckem during the Third Battle of Ypres, 22 August 1917. Photo: Lt. Ernest Brooks.
December 24 1968 - Virginia, USA: Boys watch Christmas Eve broadcast from Apollo 8 astronauts in space. Photo: Bruce Dale / National Geographic.
September 5, 1960: Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) captures light heavyweight gold medal at the Rome Olympics. Photo: Jerry Cooke / Sports Illustrated / Getty.
Drive-thru Polio Vaccine Clinic - Glendale, CA, September, 1960 Photo: Bill Bridges.
September 17, 1964: “Bewitched” premieres on ABC-TV Elizabeth Montgomery with her self-portrait of herself as the witch Samantha. Photo: Robert Lerner/Hulton/Getty.
Midtown Manhattan - December 1943. Photo: Bill Meurer / New York Daily News.
Special thanks to the following additional
online collection sources and archives... Tumblr, Pinterest, Shorpy,
Life Magazine, Historical Times, Histoire-fanatique, Getty Images,
Harris & Ewing, The Nifty Fifties, Farm Security Administration,
Classicland, History Wars, Historic Photo, Houk Gallery, Mundovigilia,
Those Old Times, The Story in Pictures, National Photo Company, Office
of War Information, United States Armed Forces, NASA, Detroit Publishing
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