Note: The art of photography has the ability to expose brutality and
provide evidence of the utter failure of humanity. Some Images may be
Schoolboys at Ardingly College, West Sussex, going home for Christmas - 1926.
Gundrun Himmler with her father, Heinrich Himmler, 1938.
Police officer guarding Galt, Ontario pharmacy in waist-high flood waters, May 17, 1974.
President Gerald Ford dances with Queen Elizabeth during a White House state dinner honoring the Queen’s US Bicentennial visit to Washington DC, July 7, 1976.
Marathon Runners at the first modern Olympic Games held in Athens, Greece – 1896.
German U-boat sinks Allied merchant vessel in the Atlantic, 1915.
Residents of New York’s “Little Italy" in front of 76 Mulberry St., greet the news of the Japanese acceptance of Allied surrender terms with waving flags and a rain of paper. August 14th 1945.
A tortured survivor of Rwandan Death Camp in Central Africa – 1994.
Coin Operated Photomatic photo booth, Kansas, 1958.
PFC John Kerry and an unidentified soldier grill steaks and drink beers at Cu Chi; Vietnam War.
Children in the East End of London, made homeless by the Blitz – 1940.
Steam shovels and steam engines work the mammoth excavation project of the Panama Canal, 1913.
A Union soldier poses with ‘contraband’. Contraband was the term used by the Union military during the Civil War to describe the new status of liberated slave soldiers. Circa – 1863.
Drive-in liquor store, Los Angeles, California – 1949.
Anti NAZI demonstration in Berlin, Germany – 1932.
Window Cleaning in New York City – The New York Times 1933.
'The Long Fall' - March 9, 1944 - An otherwise undamaged B-17 that lost its tail to a friendly bomb plummets 20,000 feet, the crew trapped inside by a rapid, uncontrollable flat spin.
Rasputin and groupies. Gorokhovo street flat, Saint Petersburg, 1914.
The heavily damaged Reichstagsgebäude building in Berlin, Germany – 1945.
WW1 - A French member of the 92nd Infantry Regiment holds an Eagle Owl in a trench. Circa 1916.
George H.W. Bush shakes the hand of the first Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations, upon China’s admittance in 1971.
Astronaut Eugene A. Cernan, Apollo 17 commander, approaches the parked Lunar Roving Vehicle on the lunar surface during the flight’s third period of EVA 13 December 1972.
German soldiers scatter and take cover on a French beach as a reconnaissance plane flies Overhead, just prior to the D-Day Invasion, France – 1944.
The Play, an incident where the Stanford Band ran onto the field during a game against University of California 1982.
Theodore Roosevelt at Boston City Hall, 1912.
Danger! Move Fast - warning sign for soldiers - Vietnam.
Portrait of an American Poet - Walt Whitman 1881.
Additional References____________________________________
Special thanks to the following additional
online collection sources and archives... Tumblr, Pinterest, Shorpy,
Life Magazine, Historical Times, Reddit, Histoire-fanatique, Getty Images,
Harris & Ewing, The Nifty Fifties, Farm Security Administration,
Classicland, History Wars, Historic Photo, Houk Gallery, Mundovigilia,
Those Old Times, The Story in Pictures, National Photo Company, Office
of War Information, United States Armed Forces, NASA, Detroit Publishing