Note: The art of photography has the ability to expose brutality and
provide evidence of the utter failure of humanity. Some Images may be
Women making flags in a Brooklyn factory, by Margaret Bourke-White. July 1940.
"James Garner on the set of the television show Maverick." Photo by Maurice Terrell for Look magazine - April 1958.
A Japanese American unfurled this banner the day after the Pearl Harbor attack. December 1941.
Jackie Robinson becomes the first black player inducted into baseball’s Hall of Fame on July 23, 1962.
"Children of citrus workers in hallway of apartment house. Winter Haven, Fla." Photo by Arthur Rothstein for the Resettlement Administration - January 1937.
A lone anti-war protester confronts police in Whitehall during the Cuban Missile Crisis, London, 1962 - Photo by Don McCullin.
Women Archers compete at the London Olympics, 1908.
A Native American sends smoke signals in Montana, June 1909.
Photograph by Dr. Joseph K. Dixon.
Photograph by Dr. Joseph K. Dixon.
A 14 year old Winston Churchill as a Harrow schoolboy, 1889.
Policeman Edgar E. Porter, who was detailed to care for the “lost and strayed” children during the Easter egg rolling at the White House, April 2, 1923.
A disabled WWII veteran comes home, San Francisco - 1943.
Onlookers react to the explosion of the Challenger shuttle, 73 seconds after lift off. January 28, 1986.
Boris Karloff enjoys a cup of tea on the set of The Bride of Frankenstein.
A young Wilt Chamberlain running high school track in 1954.
Shell shocked soldier WW1 Image from The Great War taken in an Australian Advanced Dressing Station near Ypres in 1917 by Official War Photographer - British Military.
Two white students watch as African American children enter the previously all-white Rosewood Elementary School in Columbia, South Carolina, on August 31, 1964.
"Home of worker in strip coal mine. Cherokee County, Kansas." Photo by Arthur Rothstein for the Resettlement Administration - May 1936.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy dressed up as a policeman and sister Eunice, circa 1925.
The bullet ridden room in which Tsar Nicholas II and the rest of the Romanov family were executed during the Bolshevik Revolution on July 17, 1918.
Winston Churchill with his daughter Mary, London, 1943.
Father and son watch the July 16, 1969 9:32 a.m. EDT launch of the Saturn V carrying Apollo 11 - Photo by Ralph Crane.
Future Congressman John Lewis’s mug shot after being arrested for using a “whites only” bathroom, 1961.
The last known picture of the Titanic above water - April 1912.
A US Air Force Lieutenant is held captive by a young North Vietnamese girl soldier. 1967.
A Russian Orthodox priest blesses weapons for soldiers before they’re sent off to Chechnya, Circa 1994.
Negro houses in Mobile, Alabama - Photo by Arthur Rothstein - April 1937.
July 1942. Washington, D.C. "A Sunday picnic in Rock Creek Park." Photo by Marjory Collins for the Office of War Information.
Additional References____________________________________
Special thanks to the following additional online collection sources and archives... Tumblr, Pinterest, Shorpy, Life Magazine, Historical Times, Histoire-fanatique, Getty Images, Harris & Ewing, The Nifty Fifties, Farm Security Administration, Classicland, History Wars, Historic Photo, Houk Gallery, Mundovigilia, Those Old Times, The Story in Pictures, National Photo Company, Office of War Information, United States Armed Forces, NASA, Detroit Publishing Company...
Special thanks to the following additional online collection sources and archives... Tumblr, Pinterest, Shorpy, Life Magazine, Historical Times, Histoire-fanatique, Getty Images, Harris & Ewing, The Nifty Fifties, Farm Security Administration, Classicland, History Wars, Historic Photo, Houk Gallery, Mundovigilia, Those Old Times, The Story in Pictures, National Photo Company, Office of War Information, United States Armed Forces, NASA, Detroit Publishing Company...
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