Adolf Hitler on a walk with Helga Goebbels, 1936.
The surrender of the German 6th Army en masse at Liezen, Austria - 1945.
Albert Einstein enjoys a laugh at a Princeton Luncheon, Photo by Ruth Orkin, 1953.
Bombs rain down over Paris at the height of World War II, 1943.
The dawn of television, entertainment at home – 1951.
Soap Box Derby race in Santiago de Cuba, 1925.
A burial at sea funeral ceremony aboard the USS Lexington in 1944.
Ginger Rodgers and Fred Astaire dance on air, Circa 1940s
A shop owned by an individual of German origin is attacked by a mob in London’s East End, 1915.
Men eating bread and soup in a breadline during the Great Depression.
Some GIs liberating wine from French civilians after liberating the village – 1945.
Portrait Set of Anne Frank.
The real Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin ca. 1928 / National Portrait Gallery.
A watch in Hiroshima, destroyed during the atomic bombing of the city. Its time marks the moment when the bomb exploded; 8:16 AM - 1945.
A child in Amsterdam during WWII during the Dutch Famine (Hongerwinter) 1944 – Photo by Kryn Taconis.
Skeleton of German Soldier at Beaumont Hamel, France – 1917.
Having a cold one, old school / Colorized Photo – Circa 1950s.
An American C-54 lands with food supplies during the Russian enforced Berlin Blockade as stranded citizens of Berlin watch with eager anticipation, 1948.
Winston Churchill in uniform, 1895.
Clashes between police and protesters spread across the cities of Turkey - Spring 2013.
Child Labor of Great Britain / Young Chimney Sweep, London / Date Unknown.
Inflatable decoy tank used by the U.S. Army to confuse German Armor Divisions, WWII.
Passengers who had escaped the sinking Titanic on lifeboats are picked up by the Carpathia, the first ship to arrive on the disaster scene following the distress call –1912.
A vacationing couple from Spain act indifferent to the lifeless body of a drowned man who has washed up on the beach, the victim of an off shore shipwreck of immigrant laborers from Africa. Photo by Javier Bauluz - Zahara Beach, Spain – 2000.
Metropolitan Museum, NYC, 1988 - Elliott Erwitt/Courtesy of Edwynn Houk Gallery.
New war time technology just prior to WWI - Pigeons outfitted with cameras to take aerial photos of enemy positions, 1900.
The trio of the Kennedy brothers (John, Bobby and Teddy), in full adolescence, Circa 1930s.
Additional References____________________________________
Special thanks to the following additional online collection sources and archives... Tumblr, Pinterest, Shorpy, Life Magazine, Historical Times, Reddit, Histoire-fanatique, Getty Images, Harris & Ewing, The Nifty Fifties, Farm Security Administration, Classicland, History Wars, Historic Photo, Houk Gallery, Mundovigilia, Those Old Times, The Story in Pictures, National Photo Company, Office of War Information, United States Armed Forces, NASA, Detroit Publishing Company...
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