A nervous little girl waits with her dolls and her luggage before being evacuated to the countryside during World War II, London, May 1940.
A mother and her two young children who survived the sinking of the RMS Lusitania by a German U-Boat, after they were rescued in Queenstown, Ireland - May 1915.
Portrait of a Young Winston Churchill in 1895.
Men of 72 Highlanders who served in the Crimea: William Noble, Alexander Davison and John Harper, 1856.
Powder monkey on a Union vessel during the American Civil War. Cutlasses are visible in the background. Circa 1861-1865.
3,000 men who helped build the 810 feet high Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City stand in the window spaces of the building near the end of the construction, August 1964.
The predecessor to the urban parking garage, the vertical parking lot in Chicago, 1932.
Civil Rights March on Washington, 1963.
A six year old Paper Boy, 1915.
John F Kennedy visits Mexico as President, June 1962.
Some of the 600 children that survived the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp show their tattooed identification numbers.
Mounted German soldier in a gas mask and carrying a lance during WWI - Circa 1917.
Children playing with weapons left in the streets of Berlin, 1945.
President Abraham Lincoln’s hearse, 1865.
"People shelter and sleep on the platform and on the train tracks, in Aldwych Underground Station, London, after sirens sounded to warn of German bombing raids, on October 8, 1940."
Construction of the Hoover Dam, February 1934.
Soviet Soldiers toss the banners of the defeated Third Reich onto the ground in front of Lenin’s tomb, as Stalin looks down from the balcony. Victory parade June 24th 1945.
Close-up of a pyramid of captured German Pickelhaube helmets created for the Victory Loan Drive, New York City, Circa - 1919.
Spectators trying to catch a glimpse of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, 1919.
Two year-old John F. Kennedy and his brother Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. -Brookline, Massachusetts - Circa 1919.
A soldier inspects Nazi looted art found in a church in Ellingen, Germany. April 24, 1945.
An East German soldier ignores orders to let no one pass and helps a boy, who was found on the opposite side from his family, cross the newly formed ‘Berlin Wall’- 1961.
American sailors shield their eyes during a nuclear test at Bikini Atoll, July 1946.
The remaining shells of the former buildings of Dresden, Germany after bombing by Allied Forces. ~ 1945.
Kniefall von Warschau - a gesture of humility and penance by Chancellor of Germany Willy Brandt towards the victims of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
Additional References____________________________________
thanks to the following additional online collection sources and
archives... Tumblr, Pinterest, Shorpy, Life Magazine, Historical Times,
Reddit, Histoire-fanatique, Getty Images, Harris & Ewing, The Nifty
Fifties, Farm Security Administration, Classicland, History Wars,
Historic Photo, Houk Gallery, Mundovigilia, Those Old Times, The Story
in Pictures, National Photo Company, Office of War Information, United
States Armed Forces, NASA, Detroit Publishing Company...
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